Sunday, August 2, 2009

Leslie Science & Nature Center

Yesterday we officially met another dental school family (2 boys ages 4 & 2) at Leslie Science & Nature Center. I had scoped out the center online when we first were here last October for Kevin's interview. The reality is that I was trying to get a grip on the fact this could be a community we would be moving to and I was looking for pieces of home. We have loved spending time at River Bend Nature Center and the kids have gone to their day camps each year. Finding this 'sister center' in Ann Arbor as well as other familiar places has helped us all feel more welcome and realize that this is where we are supposed to be at this time in our lives.

The eight of us had a great time getting to know one another, the area, visiting the Critter House (which is supposed to be open only on Sundays, but a staff member present for a birthday party, let us in!), checking out their raptors and getting 'off track' on the trails. The kids all got along great and enjoyed the freedom to run. Much credit goes to them as the off trail part brought us into an extra few hours of exploring! Thus the adults could remain a little more laid back when we finally saw parts of trails we recognized.

Unfortunately I left the camera in the not photos from yesterday to share. I'll be better with our future explorations!

1 comment:

  1. Great adventures and nice to find pieces of home! :-) I totally know how you feel with the camera. Sometimes I get wrapped up in meeting people and then forget to take pictures. And it's not so much that I need the photos as I want to remember the occasion.
