My family and I just moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan, from Northfield, Minnesota. With the newness of a move, why not start a blog? The blog name inspiration goes to my dear friend, Aimee, who gave me a lovely farewell card titled "L2 goes to A2." Ann Arbor is called A2 by the locals; L2 for my name, Lisa Lukis. Now that I have gone to A2, L2 in A2 seemed appropriate.
Today is Day 12 of living in Ann Arbor. So far, so good. The boxes with the intent of unpacking, are unpacked. The rest live in the basement semi-organized for now. A few have been torn into as a search has ensued for various items, mostly decor rather than function. There is less square footage in the livable space in our rental home, however, there is also character and charm of this 1937 bungalow that has offered built-ins for storage and display. I've always longed to live in 'one of those houses' that I used to walk by on the streets of Northfield. Now this adventure in A2 has allowed such to occur. We love the neighborhood, the nearby Burns Park, the fact we are only 1 mile to the dental school -- the reason we are here, as hubby begins his 4 yr career as a dental student... so far, excitement of the adventure outweighs sadness of leaving of our sweet life in Northfield.

For now, the adventure begins. Thanks for joining me as we embark!
Awww--reading this made me start to tear up. I miss you guys so much! I remember a not so distant time when the Possehl's moved to a strange new place and what at first seemed uncomfortable and unfamiliar turned into home! I have you to thank for that! I remember the first time you came over for a 6 hour playdate! The rest is history! :-) I know that you will meet your "Lisa" in A2 and the 4 years will seem to go by in the blink of an eye. Love to the Lukis's!
PS - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the house! So great!