Christian's first day of being a Redbird (preschool) was Monday, 14 September. We woke to a brisk fall morning, but no rain! So we were able to get a few good photo opps in! Evelyn was so excited for him to be in the same school and hoping to get glimpses of him from time to time! She was eager to tell him the ways of the school and what to expect. Christian was also excited and tired after the first day. He didn't seem overly enthused about anything, but more matter of fact. His body language read more of "this is what I do now" rather than excitement. As the weeks have gone on and he is familiar with the routine, he is happy. He likes going to school, is comfortable with his teachers and classmates and loves getting to spend time outside (me, too!).
So now every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, I bring 2 kids to school. Evelyn to meet her class by the 'magic tree' for their morning walk; Christian then to his classroom to join the other 6 children and his 2 teachers. The classroom is a very peaceful atmosphere with wooden toys, a small kitchen area for the teachers to prepare snack and tables. Christian helps with snack from time to time, but doesn't eat it all the time. He does enjoy washing his dishes after! He seems to really enjoy the castle and going on their outdoor adventures. The last hour and 15 minutes is spent outdoors. Some days he goes on walks through the woods, plays in their sand area or gets some time on the playground.
So here begins Christian foray into school life. And yes, I can say yet again..."Life is good!"
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